Everyday Science

Everyday Science MCQs Biology PDF

Everyday Science MCQs Biology
Written by ilmist@admin

Everyday Science MCQs Biology

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✓ Cell was first discovered by ? ( Robert Hook )
✓ Vitamin C prevents from ? ( Scurvy)
✓ Vitamin E helps in ? (Fertility Process)
✓ Vitamin B helps to maintain normal appetite and ? ( good Digestion) ✓ Vitamin _______ is stored Ester in liver ? ( Vitamin A)
✓ Spleen is called graveyard of _? ( Red Blood Cells)
✓ Dr. James Discovered the DNA , First time in ? ( 1953)
✓ Dry Ce is solid __? ( Carbon Dioxide)
✓ Charles Drew was the first pioneered of the idea of ? ( Blood Bank) ✓ Kidney organ of the body is purifies the _____? ( Blood)
✓ Fish is the Best source of_______________? ( Protein)
✓ Green vegetables are the good source of_______ &? ( Vitamins &

✓ The largest organ of human body is the? ( skin)
✓ How many Nos. of Bones on human being ? (206)
✓ New Born baby has how many bones ? ( 300)
✓ Skin is highly effected by _? ( Nuclear

✓ Hepatitis and Jaundice are the disease of ? ( Skin)
✓ Creature having both male and female organs is known as ? ( hermaphrodite)
✓ Richest source of Vitamin D is the _? ( Cod liver Oil)
✓ Phobia of light is called ? ( photo phobia)
✓ Pneumonia is the disease of the ________? ( Lungs )
✓ Leprosy is the contagious bacterial that affects the ? ( Skin, Mucous ) ✓ Rabies disease caused by ? ( Dog biting)

✓ The largest born of human body is the ? ( Thig Bone)

✓ The proportion of water in human body is __? (85%)
✓ Blood in human body is ____? ( 5-6 litters )
✓ And _______ % of total volume of blood in Human body? ( 10%)
✓ Cockroach is the considered as the _____of the world? ( ancient insect )

✓ Rickets is the disease of the bone due to deficiency of Vitamin ? ( Vitamin D)
✓ Lack of oxygen at high altitude produces ___? ( Bleeding)
✓ Dental enamel is the __thing present in human being ? ( hardest) ✓ A body has ______ joints? ( 236)
✓ Hippocrates is the considered as main father _______? ( Medicine)
✓ A man breathes _ to time in one minute ______? ( 17-18)
✓ Dialysis puts on men when he is suffering from ? ( kidney ailment)
✓ AIDS is Caused by ___? ( HIV Virus )
✓ A universal blood donor has blood group is O while receptor is _? ( A&B)

✓ Theory of evolution was given by ? ( Darwin)
✓ Leprosy is caused by? ( Virus )
✓ Pepsin enzymes produced in Stomach digests the _? ( Protein)
✓ The ultra filtering units of kidneys are known as ? ( Nephrons)
✓ Temperature on human beings is controlled by the ? ( Pituitary Gland )
✓ The species to which we belong is ? ( Homo Sapiens)
✓ Approximate Age of earth is ? (4.6 Billion years)
✓ Wisdom teeth grows in the age of ? ( 17 -18 years )
✓ Which of the _______ is essential for blood clotting ? ( blood platelets)
✓ Reflex section of body is controlled by the ? ( Nerve Motor )
✓ Which of the following combination of male chromosomes ? ( XY)
✓ Biological Death of patient means death of tissues of the ? ( Brain)
✓ Normal temperature of human body in kelvin ? ( 310)
✓ Lungs Are Situated in cavity ? ( Thoracic )
✓ Respiratory center is situated in _? ( Medulla)
✓ During Sleep the Men’s blood pressure ? ( fluctuates )
✓ Nos of factors required for the blood clotting ? ( 13)
✓ The P.H of Human is ___? ( 7.5-8)
✓ Largest gland in human body is ____? ( liver)
✓ Insulin is secreted in _______? ( pancreas)
✓ Life of RBC is __? ( 120 days )
✓ How many teeth are known as milk teeth of human beings ? ( 14)
✓ The largest part of human brain is _____? ( Cerebrum)
✓ Iron present in the blood in the form of ____? ( Compound)
✓ Only glucose is requirement of ____ for energy purpose ? ( glucose)
✓ Nervous system is effected by the short of __? ( Sodium)
✓ Retina in the eyes as the __? ( film in camera)
✓ The first organ is to be transplanted was _-? ( heart )
✓ The light enters into the eye is regulated by ? ( Iris)
✓ Bile Juice is secreted by ____? ( liver)
✓ Meningitis disease which associated with the __? ( Brain)

Everyday Science MCQs Biology

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