
48 Reptiles Names with Pictures

Reptiles Animals Name with Pictures and Details
Written by ilmist@admin

In this article, we’ll learn reptiles names with their pictures and a few basic details about them. Firstly, let’s get to know what they are – The reptiles are cold-blooded, air-breathing vertebrates that have scaly bodies, there are no hairs grown on their outer scaly skin. Most of reptiles lay eggs and come under the class Reptilia.

They are carnivorous animals, and many reptiles are also considered on the list of dangerous predators. They include lizards, snakes, tortoises, crocodiles, alligators, worms, etc.

List of Reptiles Names:

  1. Alligator
  2. Anaconda
  3. Angonoka
  4. Anole
  5. Asp
  6. Australian Gecko
  7. Basilisk
  8. Black Mamba
  9. Black Racer
  10. Boa
  11. Boomslang
  12. Brookesia Micra
  13. Burmese Python
  14. Caiman
  15. Carapace 
  16. Chameleon
  17. Chinese Alligator
  18. Cobra
  19. Constrictor 
  20. Copperhead
  21. Cottonmouth
  22. Crocodile
  23. Dragon
  24. Egyptian Cobra
  25. Gecko
  26. Gharial
  27. Gila Monster
  28. Hellbender
  29. Iguana
  30. Indian Cobra
  31. King Cobra
  32. Lizard
  33. Mamba
  34. Massasauga
  35. Mocassin
  36. Puff Adder
  37. Python
  38. Queen Snake
  39. Rattlesnake
  40. Shink
  41. Slow Worm
  42. Snake
  43. Taipan
  44. Thorny Devil
  45. Timber Rattler
  46. Tortoise
  47. Turtle
  48. Viper

Reptiles Animals | Image



Reptiles Names with Pictures

Reptiles Names with Pictures

Great, we have learned the names of reptiles, now let’s dive deeper and learn a little more about these reptiles.

Reptiles Names with Some Basic Details

  1. Alligator
  • An alligator is a large reptile animal that is close to Crocodiles. They have wide snouts and powerful jaws and teeth and can grow up to 20 feet long. They are characterized by their wide snout and black-covered rigid skin. 
  1. Anaconda
  • Anacondas (green) are also called the world’s largest snakes that are mostly found in the Amazon forests and Amazon rivers. They are huge muscular snakes who stock their food in the stomach as compared to other Boas and can weigh up to approximately 225 kg respectively.
  1. Basilisk
  • Basilisks are the reptile animals that come in the category of lizards and a few types of Iguanas. There are many kinds of real basilisks. They do not look like snakes, and their color is green, brown, or some other variations.
  1. Chameleon
  • In the world of reptiles, chameleons are also one of the most varied strikers. They have a tendency to change their body color according to the situation. They have long and sticky tongues to grab their prey, also their eyes can rotate in any direction.
  1. Crocodile
  • Crocodiles are one of the most dangerous amphibian and reptile animals which are termed nocturnal animals. These animals are apex predators and spend most of their time in water areas. 
  • Their outer skin is a rigid, shell-like protective layer that protects them from other predators and helps them to survive underwater.
  1. King Cobra
  • The cobra snake is also called the king of all snakes by the title of most venomous snakes. King cobras maintain their diet more strictly than others. Their favorite meal is a rat, but they can also consume other deadly snakes like kraits and other cobras for survival. 
  1. Lizard
  • Lizards are animals that come under the reptiles category. These reptiles are closely related to snakes and crocodiles. They are four-legged animals that are covered with scales and have external ears. Lizards are cold-blooded reptile animals.
  1. Mamba
  • The Mamba is a venomous arboreal snake of green or black-colored skin. They are fast, nervous, venomous snakes mainly found in the Sub-saharan African region. They are also to be blamed for many human deaths. 
  1. Snake
  • Snakes are elongated reptiles, having thin bodies without legs, which are carnivorous and come under the suborder Serpentes. Snakes don’t have eyelids and also ears to listen to sounds. Most snakes are venomous and dangerous.
  1. Tortoise
  • Tortoises are land-dwelling reptiles that have four short, stumpy, scaly legs with an outer covering body rigid scale that protects them. They crawl slowly on the land and hide under the protective cover from predators. The lifespan of giant tortoises is around 200 years. 

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