Everyday Science

Elements Metals and Compositions PDF

Elements Metals and Compositions
Written by ilmist@admin

Elements Metals and Compositions

Elements Metals and Compositions PDF download here

✓ Which is the lightest metal ________? ( Silver)
✓ the most important of aluminum is / ( bauxite)
✓ Diamond is allotropic form of the ? ( Carbon)
✓ Balloons are filled with ? ( helium)
✓ The most abundant metal on the earth is ? ( Silicon)
✓ The gas used in extinguish fire ( C02)
✓ Bio gas mainly contain the gas ? ( methane )
✓ The most malleable metal ( Gold)
✓ What is laughing Gas? ( nitrous oxide )
✓ Water has maximum density at? (4 Degree)
✓ The chemical name of urea ? ( chloroethane)
✓ Which of the following used in pencil nib? ( graphite )
✓ The gas is usually used in electric bulb ? ( nitrogen)
✓ Which of the following is lightest gas ? ( hydrogen)
✓ Marsh gas is ? ( Methane)
✓ Which of the following metal was discovered first ? ( Copper)
✓ Which of the ,metal is known as strategic metal? ( titanium)
✓ The metal that is present in photo film ? (Silver)
✓ The element found on the moon ? ( Titanium )
✓ The average salinity of water ? ( 3.5%)

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Elements Metals and Compositions

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